This was the third mount I had purchased for a 32 inch monitor. All of them claimed to withstand heavier monitors, but this one was the first to live up to the claim.We have a 16 pound, 32 inch monitor and this works incredibly well. The range of motion is perfect for a single monitor, and it was easy to put together.If you have a heavier monitor, I recommend a padded reinforcement piece to place between the desk and mount, just to protect your desk. The only other thing to note is that I had to increase the tension A LOT. It felt like it wasn't really changing anything at first, but I promise, it does. Just keep increasing the tension until you can move the mount to ANY position and it doesn't pull down or spring up.The 32 inch monitor has full range of motion, vertically and horizontally. One of the mounts id purchased did not allow for anything larger than 27 inches to go vertical, but this one does and still has room.The white is sleek, and while it is a bigger arm, it's easy to maneuver it so it's unobtrusive.Definitely worth the purchase!